
Efficient Memory management

FairScale provides implementations inspired by the ZeRO class of algorithms in the form of modular APIs that you can plug into your model training. Zero Redundancy Optimizer is a class of algorithms that aim to tackle the tradeoff between using Data Parallel training and Model Parallel training. When using Data Parallel training, you tradeoff memory for computation/communication efficiency. On the other hand, when using Model Parallel training, you tradeoff computation/communication efficiency for memory. ZeRO attempts to solve this problem. Model training generally involves memory footprints that falls into two categories:

  1. Model states - optimizer states, gradients, parameters

  2. Residual states - activations, temp buffers, fragmented memory

To reduce redundancy in model states, three different algorithms were proposed. These have been implemented in FairScale as Optimizer State Sharding (OSS), Sharded Data Parallel (SDP) and finally Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP). Let’s dive deeper into the actual mechanics of each of these algorithms and understand why they provide the memory savings that they do.

Optimizer State Sharding (OSS)

FairScale has implemented memory optimization related to optimizer memory (inspired by ZeRO-1) footprint using fairscale.optim.OSS API. Optimizers such as Adam usually require maintaining momentum, variance, parameters and gradients all in FP32 precision even though training can be carried out with parameters and gradients in FP16 precision. When each of the ranks update the full model, this means that a sizable part of the memory is occupied by redundant representations of the optimizer state.

To overcome this redundancy, optimizer state sharding entails partitioning the model optimization step in between the different ranks, so that each of them is only in charge of updating a unique shard of the model. This in turn makes sure that the optimizer state is a lot smaller on each rank, and that it contains no redundant information across ranks.


The training process can be modified from that carried out by DDP as follows:

1. The wrapped optimizer shards the optimizer state in a greedy fashion based on the parameter size but not the order in which it is used. This is to ensure that each rank has almost the same optimizer memory footprint.

2. The training process is similar to that used by PyTorch’s Distributed Data Parallel (DDP). The forward pass completes on each of the ranks followed by the backward pass. During the backward pass, gradients are synchronized using allreduce.

3. Each rank updates the parameters for the shard of optimizer state that it is responsible for and then discards the rest.

4. After update, a broadcast or allgather follows to ensure all ranks receive the latest updated parameter values.

OSS is very useful when you are using an optimizer such as Adam that has additional state. The wrapping of the optimizer is a one-line non intrusive change that provides memory savings.

If you are using SGD or any optimizer with a limited memory footprint, it is likely that you will see a slowdown when using multiple nodes, due to the additional communication in step 4. There is also some wasteful memory used to store gradients during allreduce in step 2 that is then discarded, although this also happens with normal PyTorch (nothing extraneous here).

Best practices for using fairscale.optim.oss

1. OSS exposes a broadcast_fp16 flag that you should probably use in multi-node jobs, unless this leads to accuracy issues (which is very unlikely). This can be used with or without Torch AMP. This is usually not needed in a single node experiment.

2. If your model is extremely unbalanced in terms of size (one giant tensor for instance), then this method will not be very helpful, and tensor sharding options such as fairscale.nn.FullyShardedDataParallel would be preferable.

3. OSS should be a drop in solution in a DDP context, and stays compatible with most of the DDP features such as the fp16 gradient compression hook, gradient accumulation and PyTorch AMP.

Performance tips for fairscale.optim.oss

1. On a single node, OSS should be always faster than vanilla PyTorch, memory savings will vary depending on the optimizer being used

2. When using multiple nodes, OSS can alternatively be faster or slower than vanilla PyTorch, depending on the optimizer being used, and optional flags (E.g broadcast_fp16, gradient compression, gradient accumulation as mentioned above.)

3. If applicable (if your experiment can do with a bigger batch size), it’s usually beneficial to reinvest the saved memory in a larger batch size and reduce the number of ranks involved, or to use gradient accumulation since this diminishes the communication cost.

Optimizer + Gradient State Sharding

To overcome redundant gradient memory and to enable further memory savings, gradient sharding or ZeRO-2 was proposed. This has been implemented by the Sharded Data Parallel(SDP) API in FairScale. While OSS solved the redundancy problem in optimizers, the above data parallel training steps revealed a duplication of computation of gradient aggregation as well as additional memory being used for gradients are discarded.

To enable gradient sharding, each rank is assigned a set of parameters for which they are responsible for managing optimizer state as well as gradient aggregation. By assigning a model shard to a given rank we ensure that gradients are reduced to specific ranks that are in turn responsible for the update. This reduces communication as well as memory usage.


The training process is as follows:

  1. As before the wrapped optimizer shards parameters across the different ranks.

  2. The model is now wrapped with a Sharded Data Parallel (SDP) wrapper that allows us to add the appropriate hooks and maintain state during the training process.

  3. SDP focuses on trainable parameters and adds a backward hook for each of the them.

  4. During the backward pass, gradients are reduced to the rank that they are assigned to as part of the sharding process in 1. Instead of an allreduce op, a reduce op is used which reduces the communication overhead.

  5. Each rank updates the parameters that they are responsible for.

  6. After the update, a broadcast or allgather follows to ensure all ranks receive the latest updated parameter values.

Both the OSS and SDP APIs allow you to reduce the memory used for gradients and optimizer states. Additional communication costs can be present in slow interconnects but are useful to try as first steps when running into Out Of Memory (OOM) issues.

Best practices for fairscale.nn.ShardedDataParallel

1. If using multiple nodes, make sure that SDP is using reduce buffers by specifying the reduce_buffer_size arg. Changing their size can be an optimization target, the best configuration could depend on the interconnect.

2. If on a single node, it’s usually best not to use reduce_buffer_size since there is a latency cost associated with it but no memory gain. Setting this value to 0 means that this feature is not used and this is the recommended single node setting.

3. If applicable (if your experiment can do with a bigger batch size), it’s usually beneficial to reinvest the saved memory in a larger batch size and reduce the number of ranks involved, or to use gradient accumulation since this diminishes the communication cost.

Optimizer + Gradient + Horizontal Model Sharding

To further optimize training and achieve greater memory savings, we need to enable parameter sharding. With parameter sharding similar to gradient and optimizer states, data parallel ranks are responsible for a shard of the model parameters. FairScale implements parameter sharding by way of the Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP) API which is heavily inspired by ZeRO-3. Parameter sharding is possible because of two key insights:

1. The allreduce operation can be broken up into reduce and allgather similar to the previous sharding technologies (optimizer state and gradient).

2. Individual layers can be wrapped with the FSDP API that allows us to bring in all the parameters required for a single layer onto a given GPU at a given instance, compute the forward pass and then discard the parameters not owned by that rank. Please see the tutorial section for how you can use autowrap to enable wrapping individual layers of your model.

The training process is as follows:

  1. allgather the parameters required for the forward pass of each of the layers of the model just before the compute of a specific layer commences.

  2. Compute the forward pass.

  3. allgather the parameters required for the backward pass of each of the layers of the model just before the backward pass of a specific layer commences.

  4. Compute the backward pass.

  5. reduce the gradients such that aggregated grads are accumulated on the ranks that are responsible for the corresponding parameters.

  6. Let each rank update the parameters that have been assigned to it using the aggregated gradients.

With FSDP there are small changes one needs to make when using APIs for checkpointing and saving optimizer state. Given the sharded nature of optimizer state and parameters, any API that aims to save the model state for training or inference needs to account for saving weights from all workers. FSDP implements the required plumbing to save weights from all workers, save weights on individual workers and save optimizer state from all workers.

FSDP also supports mixed precision training where both the computation and communication are carried out in FP16 precision. If you want to reduce operations to be carried out in FP32 which is the default behavior of DDP, then you must set fp32_reduce_scatter=True.

To enable further memory savings, FSDP supports offloading parameters and gradients that are currently not being used onto the CPU. This can be enabled by setting move_params_to_cpu and move_grads_to_cpu to be equal to True.

Best practices for fairscale.nn.FullyShardedDataParallel

1. For FSDP, it is preferable to use model.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) since it saves a large amount of memory after stepping.

2. torch.cuda.amp.autocast for mixed precision is fully compatible with FSDP. However you will need to set the mixed_precision arg to be True.

3. If combined with activation checkpointing, it is preferable to use FSDP(checkpoint_wrapper(module)) over checkpoint_wrapper(FSDP(module)). The latter will result in more communication and will be slower.

4. Results should be identical to DDP with pointwise Optimizers, e.g., Adam, AdamW, Adadelta, Adamax, SGD, etc.. However, the sharding will result in slightly different results when using non-pointwise Optimizers, e.g., Adagrad, Adafactor, LAMB, etc.

Performance tips for fairscale.nn.FullyShardedDataParallel

1. For best memory efficiency use auto_wrap to wrap each layer in your network with FSDP and set reshard_after_forward to be True

2. For best training speed set reshard_after_forward to be False (wrapping each layer is not required, but will improve speed further)

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